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Emphasize simplicity, accessibility, and the potential for enhanced returns.

Success stories from individual investors highlighting personal achievements and satisfaction.

Success stories from individual investors highlighting personal achievements and satisfaction.

Frequently asked questions

The strategy revolves around selling covered call options. For every share of stock you own, you sell someone the right, but not the obligation, to buy that stock from you at a specified price (called the “strike price”) within a certain timeframe. By doing this, you receive a premium, which is income added to your account. If the stock’s price remains below the strike price by the option’s expiration date, you keep both the stock and the premium. However, if the stock price rises above the strike price, the option might be exercised, meaning you’ll need to sell your stock at that higher strike price, potentially missing out on some upside. TappAlpha provides tools and insights to help manage and understand these dynamics, ensuring you’re informed every step of the way. TappAlpha’s platform also assists with the similar strategy of executing cash-covered puts.

The main risk is forgoing potential upside gains. If your stock’s price rises beyond the sold call’s strike price before its expiration, you miss out on additional profits. While you don’t incur a loss, you do leave potential earnings on the table. The downside risk of owning the underlying shares still remains.  TappAlpha aids in understanding this risk, ensuring decisions fit your risk tolerance.


Immediate Income: 

When you sell a covered call option, you receive a premium upfront. This means direct and immediate income, regardless of whether the option is exercised or not.

Downside Protection: 

The earned premium can offset minor stock price dips, acting as a financial cushion, and potentially preventing net losses on slight declines.

Enhanced Portfolio Returns: 

Even in a stagnant market, where your stock remains flat, slightly increases, or slightly falls, the option premium you earn can boost your overall returns.

With TappAlpha, you can harness these benefits effectively and easily.

Frequently asked questions

The strategy revolves around selling covered call options. For every share of stock you own, you sell someone the right, but not the obligation, to buy that stock from you at a specified price (called the “strike price”) within a certain timeframe. By doing this, you receive a premium, which is income added to your account. If the stock’s price remains below the strike price by the option’s expiration date, you keep both the stock and the premium. However, if the stock price rises above the strike price, the option might be exercised, meaning you’ll need to sell your stock at that higher strike price, potentially missing out on some upside. TappAlpha provides tools and insights to help manage and understand these dynamics, ensuring you’re informed every step of the way. TappAlpha’s platform also assists with the similar strategy of executing cash-covered puts.

The main risk is forgoing potential upside gains. If your stock’s price rises beyond the sold call’s strike price before its expiration, you miss out on additional profits. While you don’t incur a loss, you do leave potential earnings on the table. The downside risk of owning the underlying shares still remains.  TappAlpha aids in understanding this risk, ensuring decisions fit your risk tolerance.

Immediate Income:

When you sell a covered call option, you receive a premium upfront. This means direct and immediate income, regardless of whether the option is exercised or not.

Downside Protection: 

The earned premium can offset minor stock price dips, acting as a financial cushion, and potentially preventing net losses on slight declines.

Enhanced Portfolio Returns: 

Even in a stagnant market, where your stock remains flat, slightly increases, or slightly falls, the option premium you earn can boost your overall returns. With TappAlpha, you can harness these benefits effectively and easily.

What they say about us

TappAlpha Tidbits

Understanding Covered Calls

What is a Covered Call? A covered call is an options strategy where an investor sells (or “writes”) a call option on a stock they own. This call option grants

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TappAlpha Tidbits

The Essentials of Cash-Secured Puts

What is a Cash-Secured Put? A cash-secured put is an options strategy where an investor sells (or “writes”) a put option and simultaneously sets aside enough cash to buy the

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TappAlpha Tidbits

Daily Income with 0DTE Covered Calls

What Are Daily (0DTE) Covered Calls? 0DTE (Zero Days to Expiry) covered calls involve selling (or “writing”) call options on an underlying security you own, set to expire on the

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